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DocumentHierarchyHelperLoadObjectFromXML Method
Loads objects data including collection from a given XML representation.

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 11.0.0
public static TranslationHelper LoadObjectFromXML(
	TreeNode node,
	string xml,
	bool disconnectObject = true,
	bool updateOnlySpecifiedColumns = false,
	bool prepareStructure = true,
	string cultureName = null,
	List<string> excludedColumns = null


Type: CMS.DocumentEngineTreeNode
TreeNode to load
Type: SystemString
XML data
disconnectObject (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, object collections are disconnected (collections won't load data automatically from the DB, just from dataset)
updateOnlySpecifiedColumns (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, only column contained in the xml data are loaded (columns which are not contained are not set to null)
prepareStructure (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
If true, in create mode the structure of data set is prepared in advanced (causes the whole process to be case sensitive)
cultureName (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Name of the culture to use for parsing double and datetime values
excludedColumns (Optional)
Type: System.Collections.GenericListString
Columns which will be ignored during the data load even if they are in the provided data

Return Value

Type: TranslationHelper
Translation helper
See Also