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DocumentIntegrationSubscription Class
Class representing subscription to documents
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Synchronization
Assembly: CMS.SynchronizationEngine (in CMS.SynchronizationEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class DocumentIntegrationSubscription : BaseIntegrationSubscription

The DocumentIntegrationSubscription type exposes the following members.

Public methodDocumentIntegrationSubscription
Default constructor
Public propertyConnectorName
Name of connector the subscription is attached to.
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Public propertyDocumentClassName
Class name of document to match
Public propertyDocumentCultureCode
Culture code of document to match
Public propertyDocumentNodeAliasPath
Alias path of document to match
Public propertySiteName
Site name of document or object to match. Use AbstractIntegrationSubscription.GLOBAL_OBJECTS to match only global objects.
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Public propertyTaskProcessType
Type of task processing (sync/async etc.)
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Public propertyTaskType
Task type of document or object to match.
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Protected methodGetRegex
Returns regular expression with pattern used to match words like 'cms.%' or 'cms.pagetemplate%' where '%' represents with 0-n characters
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Protected methodIsMatch(String)
Determines whether given site name matches the SiteName property
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Protected methodIsMatch(TaskTypeEnum, TaskProcessTypeEnum)
Determines whether given task type matches the TaskType property
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Public methodIsMatch(GeneralizedInfo, TaskTypeEnum, TaskProcessTypeEnum)
Determines whether given info object and task type match the subscription
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
Public methodIsMatch(ICMSObject, TaskTypeEnum, TaskProcessTypeEnum)
Determines whether given node and task type match the subscription
(Overrides BaseIntegrationSubscriptionIsMatch(ICMSObject, TaskTypeEnum, TaskProcessTypeEnum).)
Public methodIsMatch(TreeNode, TaskTypeEnum, TaskProcessTypeEnum)
Determines whether given node and task type match the subscription
(Inherited from BaseIntegrationSubscription.)
See Also