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BaseIntegrationConnector Class
Class that needs to be inherited during implementing custom integration connector. Several members have to be implemented in order to achieve desired functionality.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.SynchronizationEngine
Assembly: CMS.SynchronizationEngine (in CMS.SynchronizationEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public abstract class BaseIntegrationConnector : AbstractIntegrationConnector

The BaseIntegrationConnector type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBaseIntegrationConnector
Protected propertyClearTranslationsAfterProcessing
Says whether to clear cached translation information (true by default). Applies both to internal and external tasks. If switched to false, translations can still be cleared by calling ClearInternalTranslations() or ClearExternalTranslations().
Public propertyConnectorEnabled
Gets a value that indicates if the connector is enabled.
(Inherited from AbstractIntegrationConnector.)
Public propertyConnectorID
Gets integration connector identifier.
(Inherited from AbstractIntegrationConnector.)
Protected propertyConnectorInfo
Gets integration connector info object.
(Inherited from AbstractIntegrationConnector.)
Public propertyConnectorName
Name of the connector.
(Inherited from AbstractIntegrationConnector.)
Public propertyLogIntegrationForExternalTasks
Determines whether to log integration tasks when processing external tasks. False by default.
Protected propertySyncManager
SyncManager instance.
Protected methodClearExternalTranslations
Clears hashtable with external translations
Protected methodClearInternalTranslations
Clears hashtable with internal translations
Public methodGetExternalDocumentID
Based on parameters this method will find out identifier of the document matching external application.
Public methodGetExternalObjectID
Based on parameters this method will find out identifier of the object matching external application.
Protected methodGetExternalTranslation
Gets translation for class name and identifier.
Public methodGetInternalDocumentParams
By supplying document identifier and class name the method ensures filling output parameters needed for correct translation between external and internal document.
Public methodGetInternalObjectParams
By supplying object type and identifier the method ensures filling output parameters needed for correct translation between external and internal object.
Protected methodGetInternalTranslation
Gets translation for class name and identifier.
Public methodInit
Initializes the provider. Suitable for making subscriptions etc. ConnectorName has to be initialized within this method.
(Inherited from AbstractIntegrationConnector.)
Public methodPrepareInternalObject
Transforms given external object to internal (to TreeNode or GeneralizedInfo).
Public methodProcessExternalTask(IntegrationTaskInfo)
Processes single external task.
Public methodProcessExternalTask(Object, IntegrationProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String)
Processes incoming task.
(Overrides AbstractIntegrationConnectorProcessExternalTask(Object, IntegrationProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String).)
Public methodProcessExternalTasks
Fetches external tasks and processes them one by one.
(Overrides AbstractIntegrationConnectorProcessExternalTasks.)
Protected methodProcessExternalTasks(IEnumerableIntegrationTaskInfo)
Processes given external tasks one by one.
Public methodProcessInternalTask
Processes single internal task.
Public methodProcessInternalTaskAsync(GeneralizedInfo, TranslationHelper, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementation of asynchronous outcoming object processing. Identifiers of object are already prepared to match external application.
Public methodProcessInternalTaskAsync(ICMSObject, TranslationHelper, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementing outcoming CMS object processing. Identifiers of object is already prepared to match external application.
(Overrides AbstractIntegrationConnectorProcessInternalTaskAsync(ICMSObject, TranslationHelper, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String, String).)
Public methodProcessInternalTaskAsync(TreeNode, TranslationHelper, TaskTypeEnum, TaskDataTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementation of asynchronous outcoming document processing. Identifiers of document are already prepared to match external application.
Public methodProcessInternalTasks
Fetches internal tasks and processes them one by one.
(Overrides AbstractIntegrationConnectorProcessInternalTasks.)
Protected methodProcessInternalTasks(IEnumerableIntegrationTaskInfo)
Processes given internal tasks one by one.
Public methodProcessInternalTaskSync(GeneralizedInfo, TaskTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementation of synchronous outcoming object processing. Identifiers of object are in their original state.
Public methodProcessInternalTaskSync(ICMSObject, TaskTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementing synchronous outcoming CMS object processing.
(Overrides AbstractIntegrationConnectorProcessInternalTaskSync(ICMSObject, TaskTypeEnum, String, String).)
Public methodProcessInternalTaskSync(TreeNode, TaskTypeEnum, String, String)
Suitable for implementation of synchronous outcoming document processing. Identifiers of object are in their original state.
Public methodRequestTasksProcessing(String)
Performs a request to a special page on server defined by given url causing immediate task processing for all connectors.
Public methodRequestTasksProcessing(String, String)
Performs a request to a special page on server defined by given url causing immediate task processing for connector specified by name.
Protected methodSetExternalTranslation
Sets translation for class name and identifier.
Protected methodSetInternalTranslation
Sets translation for class name and identifier.
Public methodSubscribeTo(AbstractIntegrationSubscription)
Assigns given subscription to this connector.
Public methodSubscribeTo(TaskProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum)
Subscribes this connector to given type of task.
Public methodSubscribeToAllDocuments
Subscribes this connector to given types of tasks for document processing.
Public methodSubscribeToAllObjects
Subscribes this connector to given types of tasks for object processing.
Public methodSubscribeToDocuments(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String)
Subscribes this connector to given class names.
Public methodSubscribeToDocuments(TaskProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, String)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToDocuments(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String, TaskTypeEnum)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToDocuments(TaskProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, String, String)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToDocuments(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String, String, TaskTypeEnum)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String)
Subscribes this connector to given types of object.
Public methodSubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, String)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String, TaskTypeEnum)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum, TaskTypeEnum, String, String)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Public methodSubscribeToObjects(TaskProcessTypeEnum, String, String, TaskTypeEnum)
Subscribes this connector to process tasks matching given conditions.
Protected methodTranslateColumnsToExternal(GeneralizedInfo, TranslationHelper, Boolean)
Translates column values of given object to match external ones.
Protected methodTranslateColumnsToExternal(ICMSObject, TranslationHelper, Boolean)
Translates column values of given CMS object to match external ones.
Protected methodTranslateColumnsToExternal(TreeNode, TranslationHelper, Boolean)
Translates column values of given document to match external ones.
See Also