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IContentItemCodeFileGenerator Interface
Creates classes for content items, such as pages or custom table items, and saves them to files using naming conventions. Generated classes contain properties that correspond to associated data class fields and bring the benefits of strongly typed code such as IntelliSense support. Only page types, products, custom tables and forms are supported. Files are organized in hiearchical folder structure with one top-level folder for each supported content type (Pages, Products, CustomTableItems and Forms). Within each top-level folder there are another folders corresponding to the individual namespaces of the respective data class.

Namespace: CMS.FormEngine
Assembly: CMS.FormEngine (in CMS.FormEngine.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public interface IContentItemCodeFileGenerator
Public methodGenerateFiles(DataClassInfo, String)
Creates classes for the specified data classes and saves them to files within the specified folder using naming conventions.
Public methodGenerateFiles(IEnumerableDataClassInfo, String)
Creates classes for the specified data class and saves them to files within the specified folder using naming conventions. Code files are created only for supported data classes, i.e. page types, products, custom tables and forms.
See Also