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IChatSupportService Interface
Service contract for ChatSupportService.

Namespace: CMS.Chat
Assembly: CMS.Chat (in CMS.Chat.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public interface IChatSupportService

The IChatSupportService type exposes the following members.

Public methodEnterSupport
Joins current CMS user to classic chat as hidden and also sets him as online on support chat.
Public methodInitiateChatByContactID
Initiates chat with user identified by his ContactID.
Public methodInitiateChatByUserID
Initiates chat with user identified by his UserID.
Public methodLeaveSupport
Leaves support chat.
Public methodSupportLeaveRoom
Leaves room. After this call, new messages in this room will be send to all online supporters.
Public methodSupportPing
Checks for new rooms needing support. Keeps alive (sets LastChecking to now) user on support and classic chat.
Public methodSupportTakeRoom
Takes support room. After this call, new messages in this room won't be send to other users - only to the current one.
See Also