Click or drag to resize
DialogConfiguration Class
Container class for CMS dialogs parameters which determine the behavior of the dialogs.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.Base.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.Base.Web.UI (in CMS.Base.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public class DialogConfiguration

The DialogConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public methodDialogConfiguration
Constructor - creates dialog default configuration.
Public methodDialogConfiguration(Hashtable)
Constructor - creates dialog configuration from the parameters.
Public propertyAdditionalQueryParameters
Additional query parameters appended to URL generated for current config.
Public propertyAttachmentDocumentID
ID of the existing document the attachment should be uploaded to.
Public propertyAttachmentFormGUID
GUID of the form the temporary attachment should be uploaded to before the document is created.
Public propertyAttachmentParentID
Parent ID of the document the attachment should be added to.
Public propertyContentSelectedSite
Name of the selected site on the 'Content' tab.
Public propertyContentSites
Indicates which content sites are available.
Public propertyContentStartingPath
Starting path of the content tree on the 'Content' tab.
Public propertyContentUseRelativeUrl
Indicates whether returned URL should be relative.
Public propertyCulture
Culture the dialog works with.
Public propertyCustomFormatCode
Code of the custom output format.
Public propertyDialogHeight
Height of the dialog.
Public propertyDialogWidth
Width of the dialog.
Public propertyEditorClientID
Client id of editor area where content should be inserted.
Public propertyHideAnchor
Indicates if 'Anchor' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyHideAttachments
Indicates if 'Attachments' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyHideContent
Indicates if 'Content' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyHideEmail
Indicates if 'E-mail' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyHideLibraries
Indicates if 'Media libraries' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyHideWeb
Indicates if 'Web' tab should be hidden.
Public propertyLibGlobalLibraries
Indicates which global media libraries are available.
Public propertyLibGlobalLibraryName
Name of the available global media library. Set when only one global media library should be available.
Public propertyLibGroupLibraries
Indicates which group media libraries are available.
Public propertyLibGroupLibraryName
Name of the available group media library. Set when only one group media library should be available.
Public propertyLibGroupName
Name of the available group. Set when only one group should be available.
Public propertyLibGroups
Indicates which groups are available.
Public propertyLibSelectedSite
Name of the selected site on the 'Media libraries' tab.
Public propertyLibSites
Indicates which media library sites are available.
Public propertyLibStartingPath
Starting path of the media library folder tree.
Public propertyMetaFileCategory
Object category that, together with MetaFileObjectID and MetaFileObjectType, specifies object where metafiles should be uploaded to.
Public propertyMetaFileObjectID
ID that, together with MetaFileObjectType and MetaFileCategory, specifies object where metafiles should be uploaded to.
Public propertyMetaFileObjectType
Object type that, together with MetaFileObjectID and MetaFileCategory, specifies object where metafiles should be uploaded to.
Public propertyOutputFormat
Dialog output format.
Public propertyResizeToHeight
New image height after it is uploaded.
Public propertyResizeToMaxSideSize
New image max side size after it is uploaded.
Public propertyResizeToWidth
New image width after it is uploaded.
Public propertySelectableContent
Dialog selectable content.
Public propertySelectablePageTypes
Dialog selectable page types.
Public propertyUseFullURL
Indicates if absolute URL should be used in dialogs.
Public propertyUseRelativeDimensions
Indicates if dialog width/height are set as relative to the total width/height of the screen.
Public propertyUseSimpleURLProperties
If set to true, dialog will not display input fields for specifying size and alt text of image. Default is false, which means that size inputs will be displayed or hidden according to other settings.
Public methodClone
Clones current dialog configuration.
Public methodStatic memberGetDialogConfiguration
Returns dialog configuration from current query string.
See Also