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TreeProvider Properties

The TreeProvider type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowAsyncActions
Indicates whether asynchronous actions should be allowed (log synchronization tasks). By default it is set to TRUE.
Public propertyAutomaticallyUpdateDocumentAlias
If true, the document alias should be automatically updated upon document name change.
Public propertyCombineWithDefaultCulture
Indicates if returned nodes should be combined with appropriate nodes of default culture in case they are not localized. It applies only if you're using multilingual support. The default value is false.
Public propertyEnableDocumentAliases
Indicates if the document aliases should be generated.
Public propertyEnableNotifications
Indicates whether notifications are sent when content changes occur (document updated/inserted/deleted,...). By default it is set to TRUE.
Public propertyEnableRating
Indicates whether rating of a document should be updated. By default it is set to TRUE.
Public propertyEnsureSafeNodeAlias
If true, node alias will include only allowed characters (turn off only when you perform the validation by yourself or the source data are already valdiated).
Public propertyFilterOutDuplicates
If true, duplicate (linked) items are filtered.
Public propertyGenerateNewGuid
If true, new GUID is generated for the inserted nodes where required.
Public propertyCheckLinkConsistency
If true, the linked document checks if the reference to its original is preserved.
Public propertyCheckUniqueAttachmentNames
If true, unique attachment names within one document are checked against the database. Turn off only when you perform the validation by yourself.
Public propertyCheckUniqueNames
If true, unique node names, document names and aliases are checked against the database. Turn off only when you perform the validation by yourself.
Public propertyKeepCheckedInOnInsert
If true, the document stays checked in on the insert operation
Public propertyLogEvents
If true, events are log on document update.
Public propertyLogIntegration
If true, integration tasks are logged on document update.
Public propertyLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on document update.
Public propertyLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
Public propertyMergeResults
If true, tables from result DataSet are merged into a single table.
Public propertyPreferredCultureCode
Preferred culture code to use when none set.
Protected propertyProviderObject
Returns the provider object.
Public propertySelectAllData
If true, all data are selected. Otherwise only base document data are selected.
Public propertySelectQueryName
Base query name to use for the document selection (for the enhanced selection options only).
Public propertySortMergedResults
If true, merged results are sorted.
Public propertyTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache dependencies are touched on document update.
Public propertyUpdateDocumentContent
If true, document content is updated from internal objects.
Public propertyUpdatePaths
Indicates if document name and URL paths should be updated.
Public propertyUpdateSKUColumns
If true, SKU columns of the document are updated.
Public propertyUpdateTimeStamps
If true, time stamps of the document are updated.
Public propertyUpdateUser
If true, user IDs of the document (creator, modifier) are updated.
Public propertyUseAutomaticOrdering
If true, automatic ordering is used for new nodes.
Public propertyUseCustomHandlers
If true, custom handlers are used with Document operations.
Public propertyUseParentNodeGroupID
Indicates whether NodeGroupID property should be set according to the parent value.
Public propertyUserInfo
Current user info.
See Also