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IssueHelper Methods

The IssueHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCopyIssueProperties
Copies specified properties from source issue to target issue.
Public methodStatic memberGetActivationPage
Retrieves activation page for a specified newsletter.
Protected methodGetActivationPageInternal
Retrieves activation page for a specified newsletter.
Public methodStatic memberGetBaseUrl
Creates a base URL for prefixing links in the given newsletter's issues.
Protected methodGetBaseUrlInternal
Creates a base URL for prefixing links in the given newsletter's issues.
Public methodStatic memberGetBreadcrumbsData
Prepares JSON object to be inserted to the breadcrumbs. On some pages the breadcrumbs needs to be hard-coded in order to be able to access single email via link and ensure consistency of breadcrumbs.
Public methodStatic memberGetContentXML
Returns content of editable regions as XML.
Public methodStatic memberGetIssueTotalUniqueClicks
Returns number of unique clicks of all issue's links.
Public methodStatic memberGetIssueVariants(Int32, String)
Returns issue variants for specified issue ID if any.
Public methodStatic memberGetIssueVariants(IssueInfo, String)
Returns issue variants for specified issue if any.
Public methodStatic memberGetStatusFriendlyName
Returns issue status friendly name.
Public methodStatic memberGetUnsubscriptionPage
Retrieves unsubscription page for a specified newsletter.
Protected methodGetUnsubscriptionPageInternal
Retrieves unsubscription page for a specified newsletter.
Public methodStatic memberGetWinnerIssue
Returns A/B test winner.
Public methodLoadDynamicFields
Loads values of dynamic fields into hashtable.
Public methodLoadRegionsContents(String)
Loads values of editable regions into hashtable.
Public methodStatic memberLoadRegionsContents(Hashtable, String)
Loads values of editable regions into hashtable.
Public methodResolveDynamicFieldMacros
Resolves the dynamic field macros, replaces the {%dynamicfieldname%} macro with the dynamic field value.
Public methodResolveEditableRegionMacros
Resolves the editable region macros, replaces the $$editableregionname:width:height$$ macro with the editable region values previously loaded with LoadRegionsContents method.
Public methodSetAsDefaultHelper
Sets this object as the default helper
(Inherited from AbstractHelperHelperType.)
See Also