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StorageHelper Methods

The StorageHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCopyFileAcrossProviders
Copies two files across different storage providers
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOldFiles(String, DateTime, Boolean)
Deletes files older than specified time from the file system.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteOldFiles(DirectoryInfo, DateTime, Boolean)
Deletes files older than specified time from the file system.
Public methodStatic memberGetByteArrayFromStream Obsolete.
Returns byte array from input stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetDirectoryInfo
Returns new instance of directory info.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileInfo
Returns new instance of FileInfo object.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileStream(String, FileMode)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32)
Returns new instance of file stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullFilePhysicalPath
Returns full physical path of a file or folder. Does not change the ending slash
Public methodStatic memberGetImageUrl
Gets the real file path for the given path (for zip returns the path to the zip file)
Public methodStatic memberGetRealFilePath
Gets the real file path for the given path (for zip returns the path to the zip file)
Public methodStatic memberGetStorageProvider
Gets the storage provider based on the given path, updates the path so it matches the provider internal structure
Public methodStatic memberGetWebApplicationRelativePath
Converts the given physical path to an application relative path
Public methodStatic memberIsExternalFileStream
Returns true, if the given file stream is bound to an external source
Public methodStatic memberIsExternalStorage
Returns whether the path is targeting an external storage.
Public methodStatic memberIsSameStorageProvider
Returns true, if two given paths use the same storage provider
Public methodStatic memberIsSharedStorage
Returns whether the path is targeting a shared storage.
Public methodStatic memberIsZippedFilePath
Returns true if the given path is a path to the zipped file
Public methodStatic memberLogDeleteFileTask
Logs the file delete task for the web farm server
Public methodStatic memberLogDirectoryDeleteTask
Logs the directory delete task for the web farm server
Public methodStatic memberLogUpdateFileTask
Logs the file update task for the web farm server
Public methodStatic memberMapStoragePath
Maps the given storage path to a specific provider
Public methodStatic memberMapZippedFolders
Maps the automatic zipped folders
Public methodStatic memberMoveFileAcrossProviders
Copies two files across different storage providers
Public methodStatic memberSaveBinaryDataToDisk
Saves the file from given byte array to the file system.
Public methodStatic memberSaveFileToDisk
Saves the given file to the disk file
Public methodStatic memberSaveStreamToDisk
Saves the file from given stream to the file system.
Public methodStatic memberUnMapStoragePath
Removes the mapping to a storage provider
Public methodStatic memberUseLocalFileSystemForPath
Maps the given storage path to a local file system provider
See Also