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RandomCodeGenerator Methods

The RandomCodeGenerator type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCodeIsUnique
Checks if given code is unique - not generated yet and accepted by CodeChecker function.
Public methodGenerateCode
Generates one new unique code. Throws exception when not able to generate unique code within 10 attempts.
Protected methodGetRandomDigit
Returns random digit 0-9.
Protected methodGetRandomChar
Returns random character A-Z.
Protected methodGetRandomNumber
Returns random number from 0 to max (exclusive).
Protected methodGetRandomSymbol
Returns random symbol 0-9 or A-Z.
Protected methodGetSymbolForType
Returns charType. Override this method to add custom character sets.
Protected methodRememberCode
Remembers given code as already generated.
Protected methodTryGenerateCode
Generates one random code.
See Also