Results for tag windows live writer
  • Windows Live Writer integration
    Karol Jarkovsky    —       —    Article

    UPDATE: This article only applies to Kentico v5 and v6. In Kentico v7 and above the MetaWeblog API is integrated as part of the solution, and can be enabled via system settings. Please refer to - for more information on the configuration.

    When your passion is in spreading word over the internet, you probably find a great potential in contributing to various blogging sites like or Working on your post using browser-based blog interface, you may sooner or later face an unpleasant situation when something goes wrong down the road. If you lose connection while a post is being published or your browser crashes accidently, hundreds of lines of your thoughts disappear and you cannot get them back. That is where the desktop blog-publishing tool comes in handy. One of my favorites is Windows Live Writer ( It is completely free. I’d like to show you what you can do with WLW integrated with Kentico CMS. First part is more about a user experience; however, I’ll cover all integration details later as well.

  • New add-ons from my team
    Petr Vozak    —       —    Article

    Do you miss ICQ, SMS or Windows Live Writer integration in our CMS? Are you looking for Silverlight document viewer? If so, you can look forward to them. My team did that for you...