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CloneSettings Class
Class encapsulating parameters for object cloning (used in InsertAsClone settings)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DataEngine
Assembly: CMS.DataEngine (in CMS.DataEngine.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public class CloneSettings

The CloneSettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodCloneSettings
Public propertyAfterCloneInsertCallback
Handles actions right after inserting the clone object.
Public propertyAfterCloneStructureInsertCallback
Handles actions after processing main object and all the child, binging, site bindings, ... etc. objects.
Public propertyAssignToSiteID
If object has SiteBinding than a binding for given site is created after the object is cloned.
Public propertyBeforeCloneInsertCallback
Handles actions before inserting the clone. Use to further modify given object according to settings.
Public propertyCloneBase
Gets or sets the root object - the object the cloning procedure was called on (for example when cloning country with states, in the states the root object will be still the country).
Public propertyCloneToSiteID
ID of the site to clone the object to. Only for site objects. If this value is 0, object will be cloned under the site of the original object unless the object type has SupportsGlobalObjects = true. In that case, 0 means that an object is cloned as a global object.
Public propertyCodeName
New code name. If null, automatically generated unique code name is generated.
Public propertyCustomParameters
Hashtable with custom parameters (for special cases such as BizForms, CustomTables, Webparts, etc.) where additional operations have to be done.
Public propertyDisplayName
New display name. If null, automatically generated unique display name is generated.
Public propertyExcludedBindingTypes
Gets or sets the list of binding object types which should not be cloned, if null than all child object types are cloned.
Public propertyExcludedChildTypes
Gets or sets the list of child object types which should not be cloned, if null than all child object types are cloned.
Public propertyExcludedOtherBindingTypes
Gets or sets the list of other binding object types which should not be cloned, if null than all child object types are cloned.
Public propertyIncludeBindings
If true, binding objects are included in the result.
Public propertyIncludeChildren
If true, child objects are included in the result.
Public propertyIncludeMetafiles
If true, metafiles of the object are included in the result as well.
Public propertyIncludeOtherBindings
If true, other binding objects are included in the result.
Public propertyIncludeSiteBindings
If true, site binding objects are included in the result. This setting is applied only when IncludeBindings is true.
Public propertyKeepFieldsTranslated
If true, cloned object will keep all the fields which use localization macros {$res.string$} without change. If false, cloned object will replace the localization with its translation in the default culture. This setting does not influence DisplayName - this will be always replaced by its translation.
Public propertyKeepOriginalSiteID
If true, CloneToSiteID is ignored and SiteID of the original object is kept.
Public propertyMaxRelativeLevel
Determines maximal level of the relationship (parent-child). -1 means all levels, 0 means no child objects, 1 means first level of children, etc.
Public propertyParameter
Custom parameter passed within the settings (for handlers usage, etc.).
Public propertyParentID
ID of the parent object to which the cloned object should be assigned.
Public propertyTranslations
Gets or sets the translation helper object (always at least empty instance, cannot return null) which provides translation Original object ID -> Cloned object ID.
See Also