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WebDAVHelper Methods

The WebDAVHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateMediaFileInfoFromAttachmentInfo
Creates media file info from attachment file info.
Public methodStatic memberGetFieldNameForUrl
Gets name of field name for URL (e.g. [Field]).
Public methodStatic memberGetFieldNameFromUrl
Gets field name without brackets.
Public methodStatic memberGetImageResizeValues(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets image autoresize values from settings (width, height, maxSideSize).
Public methodStatic memberGetImageResizeValues(FormFieldInfo, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets image autoresize values due to field info settings (width, height, maxSideSize).
Public methodStatic memberGetMediaDirectoryInfo
Gets media directory info.
Public methodStatic memberGetNewContent
Gets new CMS File (only document without attachment).
Public methodStatic memberGetNewContentFolder
Gets new CMS Folder.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodeAliasPath
Gets node alias path.
Public methodStatic memberGetResourceHash
Gets resource hash MD5 ('UserName'_'URL').
Public methodStatic memberGetSafeFileName
Returns the safe equivalent to the given file name.
Public methodStatic memberGetSiteName
Gets site name.
Public methodStatic memberCheckInDocument
Check in document.
Public methodStatic memberCheckOutDocument
Check out document.
Public methodStatic memberIsAttachmentStoredInFileSystem
Indicates if attachment is stored in file system.
Public methodStatic memberIsCMSFileExtensionAllowed
Checks if specified extension is allowed.
Public methodStatic memberIsCurrentUserAuthorizedPerDocument(TreeNode, NodePermissionsEnum)
Indicates if the current user is authorized per document.
Public methodStatic memberIsCurrentUserAuthorizedPerDocument(TreeNode, NodePermissionsEnum)
Indicates if the current user is authorized per document.
Public methodStatic memberIsCurrentUserAuthorizedPerMediaLibrary(MediaLibraryInfo, String)
Returns True if current user has permission, otherwise returns False.
Public methodStatic memberIsCurrentUserAuthorizedPerMediaLibrary(MediaLibraryInfo, String)
Returns True if current user is authorized at least on one permission, otherwise returns False.
Public methodStatic memberIsDocumentCheckedOutByAnotherUser
Indicates if document is checked out by another user.
Public methodStatic memberIsExtensionAllowedForBrowseMode(String, String)
Checks if file extension is allowed for browse mode.
Public methodStatic memberIsExtensionAllowedForBrowseMode(String, FormFieldInfo, String, Boolean)
Checks if file extension is allowed for browse mode.
Public methodStatic memberIsGroupAdministrator
Indicates if the current user is group administrator.
Public methodStatic memberIsSameAttachmentFolder
Indicates if source and destionation attachment folders are the same.
Public methodStatic memberIsTemporaryFile
Indicates if new file name is temporary (contains prefix '~$').
Public methodStatic memberIsWebDAVEnabled
Indicates if the WebDAV support is enabled for given site.
Public methodStatic memberIsWebDAVExtensionEnabled
Returns true if the WebDAV is enabled for the given extension
Public methodStatic memberLogSynchronization
Creates the synchronization task if document doesn't use workflow.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWebDAVScript
Registers WebDAV support script.
Public methodStatic memberResizeMediaFileInfo
Resizes media file if is image.
Public methodStatic memberSetAttachmentHeightAndWidth
If attachment is image then set height and width.
Public methodStatic memberUseWorkflow
Indicates if document is under workflow.
See Also