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AutomatedTests Methods

The AutomatedTests type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddExtender
Adds the test extender
Public methodCleanUpBase
Cleans test base (Restore static context)
Protected methodStatic memberCleanUpDataContext
Cleans up the data context
Public methodCleanUpFixtureBase
Initializes the text fixture for all tests
Protected methodStatic memberCleanUpTestClass
Cleans up the MSTest class after all tests.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the object
Protected methodEndApplication
Performs application end
Protected methodStatic memberGetSolutionFolderPath Obsolete.
Gets a path to the root folder of the Kentico solution provided that it contains a test project with current test.
Protected methodStatic memberGetTestAppSetting Obsolete.
Gets the app setting from test configuration file
Protected methodStatic memberGetTestConnectionString Obsolete.
Gets the connection string of the given name from test configuration file
Protected methodGetTestExtenders
Gets the current test extenders
Protected methodInitApplication
Performs application initialization if not already initialized
Public methodInitBase
Inits test base (Ensures static context, reset handlers)
Public methodInitFixtureBase
Initializes the text fixture for all tests
Protected methodStatic memberInitializeTestClass
Initialize MSTest class for all tests.
Public methodResetAppState
Resets the application state
Protected methodRunExtenderActionTCurrentLevel
Gets the current test extenders
Protected methodTestMilestone
See Also