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TreeProvider Methods

The TreeProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddRating
Updates rating value of given document.
Public methodStatic memberAllSites
Returns true if the given site name value represents all sites
Public methodAttachmentSearch
Searches attachment binary data for search expression.
Public methodStatic memberClearCheckoutInformation
Clears the checkout information from the given tree node.
Public methodStatic memberClearWorkflowInformation
Clears the workflow information from the given tree node.
Public methodCopyNode(CopyDocumentSettings)
Copies node according to given settings.
Public methodCopyNode(TreeNode, TreeNode, Boolean)
Copies the node to the specified location, optionally with permissions and child nodes. The copy is named according to the parameter and assigned to given owner and group.
Public methodCreateSiteRoot
Creates site tree root. For purposes of site creation.
Public methodDeleteLinks
Deletes all links including child documents to the specified node.
Public methodDeleteSiteTree
Deletes site tree root. For purposes of site deletion.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureRequiredColumns
Ensures columns required for selection in given column list. Returns the adjusted list
Public methodStatic memberFilterOutDuplicateDocuments
Filters out duplicate documents (linked ones).
Public methodStatic memberFilterOutLocalizedRows
Removes nodes of any culture that are translated to required language.
Public methodStatic memberFilterOutLocalizedVersions
Removes nodes of default culture that are translated to required language.
Public methodStatic memberGetClassNamesWhereCondition
Returns where condition for given class names.
Public methodGetCombineWithDefaultCulture
Returns whether nodes should be combined with appropriate nodes of default culture if not localized. This applies only when using multilingual support. The default value is false.
Public methodStatic memberGetCompleteWhereCondition
Returns the complete where condition based on the given parameters.
Public methodGetDefaultCultureCode
Returns default culture code specified in the CMSDefaultCultureCode configuration key.
Public methodStatic memberGetDependencyCacheKeys
Returns the cache dependencies keys array for the node - cache item keys affected when the node is changed.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocument(IDataContainer, TreeProvider)
Creates document from given data.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentNodeType(IDataContainer, TreeProvider)
Creates document from given data.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentCacheDependencies
Returns cache dependencies key for the specified document data source.
Protected methodGetEmptyDataSet
Returns an empty data set to be filled by the data.
Public methodStatic memberGetNodesOnPathWhereCondition
Returns where condition for all nodes on the path to the given alias path.
Public methodGetOriginalNode
Returns the original node for given link node in specified culture.
Public methodStatic memberGetPublishedWhereCondition
Gets the where condition for published documents
Public methodStatic memberGetRelationshipWhereCondition
Returns where condition for the given relationship or null if the relationship was not found.
Public methodGetUseParentNodeGroupID
Returns whether NodeGroupID property should be set according to the parent value.
Public methodStatic memberHasRated
Sets a flag indicating that user rated the document.
Public methodChangeCommunityGroup
Sets owner group of specified nodes
Public methodChangeCulture
Changes culture of the documents in old culture to the new one. If there is an existing document in new culture, the old culture version is not changed to the new one.
Public methodChangeSiteDefaultCulture(String, String)
Changes default culture of the site.
Public methodChangeSiteDefaultCulture(String, String, String)
Changes default culture of the site. Removes old culture from the site and adds the new one. Changes culture of the documents in the old culture to the new one. Doesn't handle collisions of existing documents in new culture.
Public methodCheckDocumentUIPermissions
Returns whether document permissions should be checked in the content management UI.
Public methodInitNodeOrders
Initializes the node order under specified parent node.
Public methodMoveNode(MoveDocumentSettings)
Moves the node according to given settings.
Public methodMoveNode(TreeNode, TreeNode, Boolean)
Moves the node to the specified location.
Public methodMoveNodeDown(Int32)
Moves specified node down in the order sequence (down = larger NodeOrder = further in the navigation).
Public methodMoveNodeDown(TreeNode)
Moves specified node down in the order sequence (down = larger NodeOrder = further in the navigation).
Public methodMoveNodeUp(Int32)
Moves specified node up in the order sequence (up = smaller NodeOrder = closer to beginning in the navigation).
Public methodMoveNodeUp(TreeNode)
Moves specified node up in the order sequence (up = smaller NodeOrder = closer to beginning in the navigation).
Public methodStatic memberRememberRating
Remember that user has rated the document.
Protected methodRemoveCMSExcludeDocumentsFromSearch
Filters results with AliasPath in CMSExcludeDocumentsFromSearch key.
Public methodStatic memberResetRating
Resets rating values of given document.
Public methodSearch(String, String, String, String, SearchModeEnum, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String)
Searches data and returns results.
Public methodSearch(String, String, String, String, SearchModeEnum, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Boolean)
Searches specified node and returns results.
Public methodSelectNodes
Gets the query for all published documents
Public methodSelectNodes(String)
Gets the query for all published documents of specific type
Public methodSelectNodes(NodeSelectionParameters)
Returns nodes matching the provided parameters. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Public methodSelectNodes(Int32, String, String)
Returns nodes specified by node ID, culture and site name. Multiple nodes are returned if ALL_CULTURES passed in cultureCode parameter. Does not select coupled data.
Public methodSelectNodes(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Int32, String)
Returns nodes specified by node alias path, culture and site name, optionally combined with default culture. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Public methodSelectNodes(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Guid, String, Boolean)
Returns nodes without coupled data specified by node alias path, culture and site name, optionally combined with default culture.
Public methodSelectNodes(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, Guid, String, Boolean, Int32, String)
Returns nodes without coupled data specified by node alias path, culture and site name, optionally combined with default culture.
Public methodSelectNodesNodeType
Gets the query for all published documents of specific type
Public methodSelectNodesCount
Returns nodes count matching the provided parameters.
Public methodSelectSingleDocument(Int32, Boolean, String)
Returns single node specified by document ID. If the result is a link to another document original document is returned instead.
Protected methodSelectSingleDocumentNodeType(Int32, Boolean, String)
Returns single node specified by document ID. If the result is a link to another document original document is returned instead.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(NodeSelectionParameters)
Returns single node matching the provided parameters.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(Int32, String)
Returns single node specified by node ID and culture.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(Guid, String, String)
Returns single node specified by node GUID, culture and site name. Does not include the coupled data.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(Int32, String, String)
Returns single node specified by specified node ID, culture and class name. Most efficient way of getting the document. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(String, String, String)
Returns single node specified by alias path, culture and site name.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(Guid, String, String, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by node GUID, culture and site name. Does not include the coupled data.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by node ID and culture, optionally combined with default culture.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(String, String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by alias path, culture and site name matching the provided parameters.
Public methodSelectSingleNode(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, String)
Returns single node specified by alias path, culture and site name matching the provided parameters. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Protected methodSelectSingleNodeNodeType(NodeSelectionParameters)
Returns single node matching the provided parameters. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Protected methodSelectSingleNodeNodeType(Guid, String, String, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by node GUID, culture and site name. Does not include the coupled data.
Protected methodSelectSingleNodeNodeType(Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by node ID and culture.
Protected methodSelectSingleNodeNodeType(String, String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Returns single node specified by alias path, culture and site name.
Protected methodSelectSingleNodeNodeType(String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int32, Boolean, String)
Returns single node specified by alias path, culture and site name matching the provided parameters. Result contains coupled data only if classNames are specified.
Public methodSetNodeOrder(Int32, DocumentOrderEnum)
Sets the specified node order.
Public methodSetNodeOrder(Int32, Int32)
Sets the specified node order.
Public methodSetNodeOrder(TreeNode, DocumentOrderEnum)
Sets the specified node order.
Public methodSetNodeOrder(TreeNode, Int32)
Sets the specified node order.
Public methodStatic memberSetQueryCultures
Sets the query cultures to include proper combination of cultures for backward compatibility. Use only in case when your code uses string culture parameter, which may have TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES value
Public methodStatic memberSetRating
Sets document new ratings.
Public methodSortNodesAlphabetically
Sort child nodes alphabetically by document name.
Public methodSortNodesByDate
Sort child nodes by the date of last modification.
See Also