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DocumentURLProvider Methods

The DocumentURLProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBuildWildcardQueryString
Returns query string for wildcard url. Wildcard is in format /{name
Public methodStatic memberEnsureDomainPrefix
Ensures domain prefix with dependence on specified site setting
Protected methodEnsureDomainPrefixInternal
Ensures domain prefix with dependence on specified site setting
Public methodStatic memberEnsureWildcardPath
Ensures URL path with wildcards. The wildcard with default value are replace to the default value.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentCultureUrls
Creates culture version of URLs for given node based on provided parameters.
Public methodStatic memberGetExtension
Returns extension for given document. Takes document custom extensions and also 'Files friendly URL extension' and 'Friendly URL extensions' settings into account.
Public methodStatic memberGetNavigationUrl
Returns resolved (absolute) URL of a page represented by data container. Method reflects page navigation settings.
Public methodStatic memberGetPermanentDocUrl
Returns permanent document URL.
Protected methodGetPermanentDocUrlInternal
Returns permanent document URL.
Public methodStatic memberGetPresentationUrl
Returns presentation URL for the specified node. This is the absolute URL where live presentation of given node can be found.
Public methodStatic memberGetPresentationUrlHandlerPath
Returns a relative URL path to PresentationUrlRedirect handler with parameters based on which the live page URL can be generated when needed.
Protected methodGetPresentationUrlInternal
Returns presentation URL for the specified node. This is the absolute URL where live presentation of given node can be found.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrl(TreeNode)
Returns relative URL for the specified tree node.
Public methodStatic memberGetUrl(String, String, String, String, String)
Returns URL for the specified aliasPath and urlPath (preferable if urlpath is not wildcard URL) and a specified site name.
Protected methodGetUrlInternal(TreeNode)
Returns relative URL for the specified tree node.
Protected methodGetUrlInternal(String, String, String, String, String)
Returns URL for the specified aliasPath and urlPath (preferable if urlpath is not wildcard URL) and a specified site name.
Public methodSetAsDefaultProvider
Sets this object as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractBaseProviderProviderType.)
Public methodStatic memberUsePermanentUrls
Indicates if permanent URLs should be generated for documents and attachments
See Also