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LockHelper Methods

The LockHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEnsureT(T, Object)
Ensures the value of the given variable in a locked context to prevent multiple loads. Uses the default constructor of T to initialize the value.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureT(T, FuncT, Object)
Ensures the value of the given variable in a locked context to prevent multiple loads. Uses the loadMethod to initialize the value.
Public methodStatic memberEnter Obsolete.
Acquires an exclusive lock on the given lock object
Public methodStatic memberExecuteOnceInLifetime
Ensures that the given action is executed only once
Public methodStatic memberExit Obsolete.
Releases an exclusive lock using the given lock object
Public methodStatic memberGetLockObject
Gets the object for lock.
Public methodStatic memberTryEnter Obsolete.
Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the given object
See Also