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CMSString Methods
Public methodStatic memberCompare(String, String)
Compares two strings. Returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order.
Public methodStatic memberCompare(String, String, Boolean)
Compares two strings. Returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order.
Public methodStatic memberCompare(String, String, StringComparison)
Compares two strings. Returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order.
Public methodStatic memberCompare(String, String, Boolean, CultureInfo)
Compares two strings. Returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order.
Public methodStatic memberCompare(String, String, CultureInfo, CompareOptions)
Compares two strings. Returns an integer that indicates the relationship of the two strings to each other in the sort order.
Public methodStatic memberEquals(String, String)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value
Public methodStatic memberEquals(Object, Object, FuncObject, String)
Determines whether two specified Objects return same string value when given a function
Public methodStatic memberEquals(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value
Public methodStatic memberEquals(String, String, StringComparison)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value
Public methodStatic memberIsInvariantCompareCulture
Returns true if InvariantCulture should be used instead of CurrentCulture to perform case insensitive operations.
Public methodStatic memberIsInvariantCompareCulture(CultureInfo)
Returns true if InvariantCulture should be used instead of passed culture to perform case insensitive operations.
See Also