Click or drag to resize
UniGridActions Properties

The UniGridActions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActions
List of the actions.
Public propertyCaption
Specifies the resource string used as the tooltip of the context menu arrow icon. Must begin and end with the $ character. Sample value: "$General.Delete$"
Public propertyContextMenu
The relative path to a control (.ascx file) that implements a context menu for the action column of header. Controls created for this purpose must inherit from the CMS.ExtendedControls.CMSContextMenuControl class. Sample value: "~/CMSAdminControls/UI/UniGrid/Controls/ObjectMenu.ascx"
Public propertyCssClass
Specifies the name of the CSS class from the stylesheet to be used for the actions column.
Public propertyParameters
A list of columns used as parameters in the onclick or menuparameter attributes of child action elements separated by semicolons. Sample value: "AttachmentGUID;AttachmentFormGUID"
Public propertyShowHeader
Indicates whether the header of the actions column should be displayed. The default value is true.
Public propertyWidth
Determines the width of the actions column in the UniGrid. Sample values: "30%", "100px"
See Also