Click or drag to resize
UniFlatSelector Properties

The UniFlatSelector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlternatingItemTemplate
Sets or gets alternating item template.
Public propertyComponentName
Component name
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyContextResolver
Gets or sets macro resolver for given control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyControlStyle
CSS style of the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCssClass
CSS class of the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Current document
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentPageInfo
Current page info
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentSite
Current site
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyCustomCallBackHandlerFunction
Gets or sets the full code of call back handler javascript function function (called from the selected item).
Public propertyCustomDoubleClickFunction
Gets or sets the full code of double click javascript function.
Public propertyCustomSelectItemFunction
Gets or sets the full code of select item javascript function used for selecting item in flat selector.
Public propertyData
Node data. This property is used only for passing values to the control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDefaultProperties
Control properties
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDependsOnAnotherField
Indicates if field depends on another field.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyDisplayFirstLastAutomatically
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether first and last item template are displayed dynamically based on current view.
Public propertyDisplayPreviousNextAutomatically
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether first and last item template are displayed dynamically based on current view.
Public propertyDocumentManager
Document manager control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEditedObject
Control's edited object
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets state enable.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyErrorMessage
Control custom error message.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyField
Field name to which the field belongs. This property is only supported in templated form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFieldInfo
Field info object.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFooterTemplate
Sets or gets footer template.
Public propertyForm
Parent form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyFormControlParameter
Helper property to use custom parameter in form control.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyGroupSize
Gets or sets group size.
Public propertyHasDependingFields
Indicates if another fields depend on this field.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyHasValue
Returns true if the control has value, if false, the value from the control should not be used within the form to update the data
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyHeaderActions
Header actions control
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyHeaderTemplate
Sets or gets header template.
Public propertyHidePagerForSinglePage
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether pager should be hidden for single page.
Public propertyCheckFieldEmptiness
Indicates that field should be checked on emptiness in validation step by BasicForm. Default TRUE. It is preferable to set to FALSE for controls with complex input such as file uploaders. Field emptiness validation then must be placed in custom form control in IsValid() method.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckMinMaxLength
Indicates that field should be checked on min/max input length in validation step by BasicForm. Default FALSE. It is preferable to set to TRUE for simple text input controls such as TextBox.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckRegularExpression
Indicates that field should be checked on regular expressions in validation step by BasicForm. Default FALSE. It is preferable to set to TRUE for controls where user should be able to enter text such as TextBox.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyCheckUnique
If true, the field is checked for uniqueness. This property is only supported in templated form.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyImageMaxSideSize
Gets or sets the value of maxsidesize parameter for flat items image.
Public propertyInputClientID
Client ID of primary input control. If not explicitly set, first client ID of inner control of the form control is returned.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyInputControlID
Control ID of primary input control. If not explicitly set, first control ID of inner control of the form control is returned.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyItemTemplate
Sets or gets item template.
Public propertyJavascriptFunction
Gets or sets name of javascript function which is used for selecting item in flat selector.
Public propertyMaxPages
Gets or sets the pager max pages.
Public propertyMessagesPlaceHolder
Placeholder for messages
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyNoRecordsMessage
Gets or sets the resource string for message which is displayed if repeater has no records Note: Unresolved resource string can be used
Public propertyNoRecordsSearchMessage
Gets or sets the resource string for message which is displayed if repeater has no records due to specified search condition Note: Unresolved resource string can be used
Public propertyNotAvailableImageUrl
Gets or sets the URL for image which is used if flat item hasn't its own image.
Public propertyOrderBy
Gets or sets the order by clause.
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets page size.
Public propertyPagingMode
Gets or sets search option.
Public propertyParameter
Control parameter.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyQueryName
Gets or sets the query name.
Public propertyQueryStringKey
Gets or sets query string key.
Public propertyRememberOriginalValue
If true, the control remembers the original value for evaluation
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyRememberSelectedItem
If enabled, flat selector remembers selected item trough postbacks.
Public propertyResolverName
Gets or sets macro resolver name.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertySearchColumn
Gets or sets column name for searching.
Public propertySearchLabelResourceString
Gets or sets resource string for search label.
Public propertySearchText
Gets or sets searched value.
Public propertySelectedColumns
Gets or sets the selected columns.
Public propertySelectedItem
Gets or sets selected item.
Public propertySelectFunction
Gets or sets name of javascript function which is used for passing selected item out of selector.
Public propertySelectTopN
Gets or sets the number which indicates how many documents should be displayed.
Public propertySeparatorTemplate
Sets or gets separator template.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertySkipPropertiesDialogColumn
Gets or sets the column name which contains information whether to skip the insert properties dialog.
Public propertyStopProcessing
If true, control does not process the data.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyText
Gets or sets Value converted to string.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyTrim
If true, the returned value is trimmed. This property is only supported if used inside the form control. Default false.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyUIContext
Control's UI Context
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Protected propertyUnderlyingFormControl
Underlying form control, if provided, the form control automatically redirects all properties to that control
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyUsePostback
Enables or disables postback mode for item selection.
Public propertyUsesLocalMessagesPlaceHolder
Indicates if control uses local messages placeholder
(Inherited from AbstractUserControl.)
Public propertyUseStartUpFocus
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether autofocus functionality is enabled.
Public propertyValidationError
Validation error string shown when the control is not valid.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets field value. You need to override this method to make the control work properly with the form.
(Overrides FormEngineUserControlValue.)
Public propertyValueColumn
Gets or sets image value column.
Public propertyValueDisplayName
Gets the display name of the value item. Returns null if display name is not available.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValueElementID
Gets ClientID of the control from which the Value is retrieved or null if such a control can't be specified.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Public propertyValueForValidation
Returns value prepared for validation.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
Protected propertyViewState
ViewState - overridden for the Master page ViewState fix.
(Inherited from InlineUserControl.)
Public propertyWhereCondition
Gets or sets the where condition.
Public propertyWhereConditionFormat
Format of where condition.
(Inherited from FormEngineUserControl.)
See Also