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EditableWebPartList Properties

The EditableWebPartList type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Extra attributes
Public propertyCssClass
Css class of the item
Public propertyCssStyle
Css style of the item
Public propertyItemFormat
Item format string. {0} represents the item text. {1} represents selected item text for selected item. {2} represents the item class in format Item[index]. {3} represents the non-formatted encoded item value. {4} represents the item value with formatting removed. Default value is "{0}"
Public propertyItemSeparator
Separator that will be placed between each two items
Public propertyParentWebPart
Parent web part
Public propertyPropertyName
Property name
Public propertyRenderAsTag
Renders the item as the specified tag, default value is "div"
Public propertySelectedItems
Selected items
Public propertySelectedItemText
Text that is presented as parameter {1} for selected item
Public propertySubItemFormat
Sub-item format string, when set, the lines of text are split by comma, and each of the line items is rendered with this format. {0} represents the item text. Default value is ""
Public propertyType
If true, the property is multiline (editable with textbox)
See Also