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ChatUserHelperCheckAdminRoomRights Method
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Public methodStatic memberCheckAdminRoomRights(Int32)
Check if current user has admin rights to room. User have admin rights if one of the following conditions is valid: - he is global admin - he has permission ChatPermissionEnum.ManageRooms - he is creator of this room - he is associated as admin to this room in table ChatRoomAdmin - room is support (ChatRoomIsSupport = true) and user has permission ChatPermissionEnum.EnterSupport
Public methodStatic memberCheckAdminRoomRights(Int32, ChatUserInfo)
Check if user has admin rights to room. User have admin rights if one of the following conditions is valid: - he is global admin - he has permission ChatPermissionEnum.ManageRooms - he is creator of this room - he is associated as admin to this room in table ChatRoomAdmin - room is support (ChatRoomIsSupport = true) and user has permission ChatPermissionEnum.EnterSupport
See Also