GetFilePage Methods |
The GetFilePage type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddConfirmation |
Adds confirmation text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddError |
Adds error text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddHeaderAction |
Adds specified action to the page header actions.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddHeaderActions |
Adds the list of header actions to the page header actions.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddInformation |
Adds information text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddMessage |
Adds text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
AddWarning |
Adds warning text to existing message on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
CompleteRequest |
Completes the request.
| |
DisableDebugging |
Disables all debugging for current page
| |
EnsureFootersControl |
Ensures the page footer control.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EnsureScriptManager |
Ensures the script manager on the page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ETagsMatch |
Responds with 304 Not Modified if ETags match and object has current timestamp.
| |
Eval(String, Boolean) |
Evaluates the item data (safe version), with html encoding.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalReturnType(String) |
Templated Eval, returns the value converted to specific type.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalBool |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the bool.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalDateTime |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the date time.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalDouble |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalGuid |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the guid.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalHTML |
Evaluates the item data and doesn't encode it. Method should be used for columns with html content.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalInteger |
Evaluates the item data and converts it to the integer.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalJSString |
Evaluates the item data, encodes it to be used in javascript code and encapsulates it with "'".
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
EvalText |
Evaluates the item data and encodes it. Method should be used for columns with string nonhtml content.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
GetBaseCacheKey |
Returns the base cache key (created with all parameters considered to be valid for proper caching).
| |
GetCacheDependency |
Creates the cache dependency from the given keys.
| |
GetCachedOutputData |
Gets the cached data for the current request.
| |
GetDocumentManagerContainer |
Gets control ideal for containing document manager.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
GetImageUrl |
Gets UI image URL.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
GetObjectIconUrl | Obsolete.
Gets the icon for the given object type.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
GetRange |
Parses the range header from the request.
| |
HandleDeviceDimension |
Handles max side size according to device profile dimensions.
| |
HandleDeviceResize |
Changes MaxSideSize to device dimensions if device resizing is enabled.
| |
CheckRequiredMimeType |
Checks if attachment mime type is allowed.
| |
InitDebug |
Initializes the debug controls.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
InitDevTools |
Initializes the Dev tools menu
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
IsExtensionExcludedFromRanges |
Indicates if file with given extension is excluded from resumable downloads.
| |
LoadContextHelp |
Loads application description and help topics with respect to current UI context.
Does nothing when context help not enabled or not on standard page.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
LoadSiteName |
Loads the site name from the query string.
| |
LoadUserControl |
Loads the user control based on the given path
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
LogAndShowError |
Logs the exception and displays a general error message
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
NotFound |
File not found action.
| |
OnInit |
Init event handler.
(Overrides AbstractCMSPageOnInit(EventArgs).) | |
OnLoad |
Load event handler.
(Overrides ControlOnLoad(EventArgs).) | |
OnPreInit |
PreInit event handler.
(Overrides AbstractCMSPageOnPreInit(EventArgs).) | |
OnPreRender |
PreRender event handler.
(Overrides AbstractCMSPageOnPreRender(EventArgs).) | |
OnPreRenderComplete |
Raises the PreRenderComplete event after the OnPreRenderComplete event and before the page is rendered.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
OnUnload |
Unload event handler.
(Overrides ControlOnUnload(EventArgs).) | |
RegisterBodyModifyingScript |
Registers script that modified body element. (For IE7,8 compatibility reasons. See KB927917 for more information.)
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
RegisterContextHelpScript |
Registers script which passes application description and help topics to UI.
If applicationName is null or empty, no application context is assumed (and applicationDescriptionUrl, applicationHelpTopics is not used).
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
Render |
Render event handler.
(Overrides PageRender(HtmlTextWriter).) | |
ResolveUrl |
Resolves the given URL
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
RespondNotModified |
Responds with the not modified code.
| |
SaveOutputDataToCache |
Saves the data for current request to cache.
| |
SetCacheability |
Sets the cacheability with dependence on connection type
IE browser doesn't support No-Cache if current connection is secured
| |
SetDisposition |
Sets response header according to file type.
| |
SetFormAction |
Sets the form action for current page if was rewritten by URL rewriter
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
SetRevalidation |
Sets the revalidation of the client caches.
| |
SetTimeStamps |
Sets the last modified and expires header to the response
| |
ShowConfirmation |
Shows the general confirmation message.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ShowError |
Shows the specified error message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ShowChangesSaved |
Shows the general changes saved message.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ShowInformation |
Shows the given information on the page, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ShowMessage |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text and description.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ShowWarning |
Shows the specified warning message, optionally with a tooltip text.
(Inherited from AbstractCMSPage.) | |
ValidateCulture |
Validats the current request culture
| |
WriteBytes |
Streams the byte array to the response.
| |
WriteFile |
Streams the data file to the response.
Name | Description | |
AsValue |
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.) | |
CallHandled |
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page.
Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetAPIString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
GetString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
LoadUserControl |
Loads the user control based on the given path
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
ToBoolean |
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToDateTime |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToDouble |
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToGuid |
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToInteger |
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToString |
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) |