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NotificationTemplateInfo Fields

The NotificationTemplateInfo type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldmAllowClone
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmBindings
Binding objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmCacheParentData
If true, the parent data is cached.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmDataClass
Data class with the SiteInfo data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfo<TInfo>.)
Protected fieldmDisconnectedCount
Number of disconnected references for this collection
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmGeneralized
Generalized interface of this object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmCheckUnique
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmChildDependencies
Child dependency objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmChildren
Child objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmInstantiated
Date and time when this instance was created.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmInvalidateObject Obsolete.
If true, object is invalidated on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLocalColumnNames
Local column names
(Inherited from AbstractInfo<TInfo>.)
Protected fieldmLocalProperties
Local properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfo<TInfo>.)
Protected fieldmLocalSettings
Local object settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogEvents
If true, events are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogExport
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogIntegration
Whether to log integration tasks.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectIcon
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectLastAccessed
Object last access time (uses internally by providers).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectParent
Object parent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectSiteID
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectSiteName
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectThumbnail
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmOtherBindings
Other binding objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmProcesses
Processes of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmReferringObjects
Depending objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedDataLoaded
Related data is loaded.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedObjects
Related objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmScheduledTasks
Scheduled tasks of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmStatus
Status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmSupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache keys are touched on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmTypeInfo
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmUpdateTimeStamp
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmUpdateVersionGUID
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfo<TInfo>.)
Protected fieldmValidateCodeName
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public fieldStatic memberOBJECT_TYPE
Object type
Public fieldStatic memberTYPEINFO
Type information.
See Also