Tree pane

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Displays a tree pane with editable elements. The default content contains a guide to the formatting rules that you can use.

You can use the following transformation expressions to build the tree content:

[x] - checkbox (checked)
[ ] - checkbox (unchecked)
(o) - radio button (selected)
( ) - radio button (unselected)

[-] - minus icon (expanded sub-content)
[+] - plus icon (collapsed sub-content)

[^] - up arrow
[v] - down arrow
[^v] - up/down icon (spinner)
[<] - left arrow
[>] - right arrow

[dir] - directory icon
[file] - file icon
[doc] - document icon
[_] - indentation space; the number of underscore characters determines the indentation size, for example: [____]

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