Tag cloud

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Displays list of all the tags used within a group of documents or part of the content tree. Tag frequency is shown with font size; the most frequent tags use larger font size than the less frequent ones. Each tag links to the page which shows the list of the documents that are tagged with the specified key word.

Data format:
TagClouds webpart needs the datatable with at least two columns, where data in first column represents labels (various datatype) and second column is the value (number datatype). Optional is the third column which can have two meanings:

1) If the Base URL is supplied then it's considered as a value for query string parameter

mydocument 20 mydocumentparam

This means that the URL will be assembled like this baseurl?querystringparam=mydocumentparam

2) If the Base URL is empty then it's considered as a complete URL

kentico 10 http://www.kentico.com

Help URL: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/webparts/index.html?TagCloud_overview.htm