A workflow consists of a series of steps. Each step in a workflow defines a part of the document approval process. Each workflow process in Kentico CMS has three default steps, whose order cannot be changed. However, you can add any number of custom steps between the Edit and Published step.
The Edit step is the first step in every workflow process. When you create a document, it starts in the Edit step. When you make changes to a published document, it gets moved to the Edit step. Live site visitors will not see changes made to a document while in the Edit step until it gets moved to the Published step.
When a document reaches the Published step, the system makes it visible to live site visitors. After a document is published, you can make changes to it, while live site visitors see the published version of the document.
When you move a document to the Archived step, it gets pulled off from the live site. Documents in the Archived step will not be accessible by live site visitors. Making changes to an archived document moves it back to the Edit step.
1. Edit a basic workflow and switch to the Steps tab.
2. Click New workflow step.
3. Enter a name into the Display name field. This is the name that will be displayed to editors when viewing documents that are in the step.
4. Click Save.
The system inserts the step immediately before the Published step. You can view the step on the Steps page under the workflow you're editing.
You can proceed with configuring operators and e-mail notifications for this step.
You can move steps up and down using the Move up and
Move down buttons in the list of steps. However, you cannot move the default steps, nor can you move any custom step before the Edit step or past the Published step. If you wish to design a flexible workflow process where the cycle doesn't begin and end with the default steps, consider using an advanced workflow.
Refer to the Configuring workflow operators topic to learn how to set up security rules of a step.