Kentico CMS 7.0 Developer's Guide

Excluding files and folders from export

Excluding files and folders from export

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Excluding files and folders from export

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Files and folders that are exported into the Files folder of the export package can be filtered in order to be excluded from export. This is achieved by adding the following keys into the AppSettings section of your site's web.config file:


Excluding folders from export: <add key="CMSExportExcludedFolders" value="test*;cms*" />

Excluding files from export: <add key="CMSExportExcludedFiles" value="test*;cms*" />


Values of the keys define names of files/folders which will be excluded from export, i.e. will not be exported. Multiple values can be entered separated by semicolons.


You can also use the standard file system mask using the * wildcard, which substitutes any number of characters in the name. No other file system mask wildcards are supported.


If the keys are not entered in the web.config file, files with the .scc extension and folders with the .svn extension are excluded by default. However, if the keys are used, only the files and folders specified in their values are excluded.