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The Kentico CMS Widgets reference contains detailed documentation for all widgets that are included in the default Kentico CMS installation and its sample websites. Widgets are building blocks that may be used to define the content of pages by editors, or create unique personalized versions of pages by individual users. The structure of this guide reflects the widget selection catalog, so users can easily find information about a specific widget and its configuration options by looking into the appropriate category.


To learn more about widgets in general, please read the Development -> Widgets chapter of the Developer's Guide.


Printing widget documentation


If you wish to access this documentation in a format suitable for printing, please log in to your site as a global administrator and type in the following URL into your browser: <website URL>/CMSPages/Dialogs/documentation.aspx?allwidgets=true


It is recommended to use the FireFox browser to ensure correct formatting and page breaking.


Help URL: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/widgets/index.html?Widgets_overview.htm