Static Google maps

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  Location or address: Location address. Used only when 'Latitude' and 'Longtitude' properties are not defined. For better performance and more accurate results please use 'Latitude' and 'Longtitude' properties instead. Accepted value is any valid address. Example: 'Windsor, Ontario, CA'  
  Latitude: Latitude of the marker. Accepted values range from -90 to 90.  
  Longitude: Longitude of the marker. Accepted values range from -180 to 180.  

  Tooltip: Header of the tool-tip displayed when a location marker is clicked.  
  Marker content: Marker content.  

  Map properties  
  Large view scale: Scale value (zoom ratio) for the large view used on page load. Values range from 0 (the most distant view)to 19 (the nearest view).  
  Detailed view scale: Scale value (zoom ratio) for the zoomed view displayed after clicking a defined location marker on the map. Values range from 0 (the most distant view)to 19 (the nearest view).  
  Width: Width of the displayed map in pixels.  
  Height: Height of the displayed map in pixels.  
  Map type: Initial map type used on page load: ROADMAP - This map type displays a normal street map. SATELLITE - This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. HYBRID - This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images. TERRAIN - This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.  
  Navigation control type: Type of the navigation control: Default - picks an appropriate navigation control based on the map's size and the device on which the map is running. Small - displays a mini-zoom control, consisting of only + and - buttons. This style is appropriate for mobile devices. Zoom & Pan - displays the standard zoom slider control with a panning control, as on Google Maps. Android - displays the small zoom control as used on the native Maps application on Android devices.  

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