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  Poll settings  
  Poll name: Used to select which poll should be displayed. Polls must be predefined using the CMS Desk -> Tools -> Polls interface.  
  Show graph: Indicates if graph should be displayed before vote.  
  Count type: Specifies the format of number of votes: - none - absolute - percentage  
  Show results after vote: Indicates if results should be displayed after vote.  
  Check if user voted: Indicates if the the system should check whether the current user has previously voted. The system checks the uniqueness of the user by cookie stored on the client machine.  

  Widget container  
  Widget container: Selects which container (if any) should be displayed around the widget.  
  Widget container title: Sets the text of the title displayed in the header of the widget's container.  
  Container CSS class: CSS class used for the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCSSClass%} macro is used as the value of the Class attribute in the code of the container.  

  Conversion tracking  
  Track conversion name: Selects the conversion that will be logged when a user votes in the displayed poll.  
  Conversion value: Sets a number that will be recorded along with the conversion when the tracked action is performed. The values are cumulative, i.e. when a conversion hit is logged, the specified value will be added to the total sum previously recorded for this conversion. You may insert a macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context.  

Help URL: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/widgets/index.html?Poll_properties.htm