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  Listing type: Selects which category of documents should be displayed. If the All option is chosen, some documents may be listed multiple times if they fit the conditions of more than one category.  

  Document filter  
  Document name: Filters documents according to their document name. Only documents that contain the entered string somewhere in their name will be displayed.  
  Document age: Filters documents according to their age in days. Only documents that are older than the first value and newer than the second will be displayed.  
  Document type: Determines which document types should be loaded, specified by a list of code names separated by semicolons (;). The * wildcard can be used as a substitute for a random sequence of characters. For example CMS.Product.* for CMSProduct.Camera;CMSProduct.CellPhone;CMSProduct.Computer etc.  

  Content filter  
  Site name: Allows the selection of the site from which content should be loaded. Global administrators have the option of selecting all sites.  
  Path: Specifies the path of the documents that should be displayed. If empty, all possible documents will be loaded.  
  Items per page: Sets the default number of items that will be displayed at the same time. If the amount of items exceeds the selected number, the remaining items will be accessible using the pager.  
  Order by: Selects the data field according to which the displayed items will be sorted by default.  
  Sorting: Determines whether the default sorting order should be ascending or descending.  

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