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  Path: Specifies the path of the documents that should be selected. If empty, the path will be set to all child documents under the page on which the web part is placed. Use '.' for current document selection.  

  Content filter  
  Number of news: Specifies the maximum amount of documents to be loaded. If empty, all possible documents will be selected.  

  Enable paging: Indicates if the displayed data should be paged.  
  Page size: Determines the maximum number of records displayed per page.  

  No data behavior  
  No record found text: Text that should be displayed if no records are found. This text will not be visible if the Hide if no record found property of the web part is enabled.  

  Widget container  
  Widget container: Selects which container (if any) should be displayed around the widget.  
  Widget container title: Sets the text of the title displayed in the header of the widget's container.  
  Container CSS class: CSS class used for the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCSSClass%} macro is used as the value of the Class attribute in the code of the container.  
  Container custom content: Custom content to be used in the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCustomContent%} macro is used in the code of the container.  

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