Collapsible panel

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  Collapsed text: Text displayed in the panel's header when it is collapsed.  
  Collapsed image: Can be used to select an image that will be displayed in the panel's header when it is collapsed.  
  Expanded text: Text displayed in the panel's header when it is expanded.  
  Expanded image: Can be used to select an image that will be displayed in the panel's header when it is expanded.  
  Header CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the header of the panel.  
  Title CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the text in the panel header.  
  Image CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the header image.  

  Collapsed size (px): Sets the size of the panel when it is collapsed (in pixels). The size defines the panel's height if the Expand direction is set to Vertical or width if it is Horizontal. If empty, only the header will be visible when the panel is collapsed.  
  Expanded size (px): Sets the size of the panel when it is expanded (in pixels). The size defines the panel's height if the Expand direction is set to Vertical or width if it is Horizontal.  
  Content CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the content of the panel.  
  Width: Sets the width of the panel. It must be specified as a CSS style value, e.g. 200px or 50%.  

  Collapsed: If checked, the panel will be collapsed by default when the page is loaded.  
  Auto collapse: If checked, the panel will automatically collapse when the user's mouse is moved outside of the panel. Please note that some web parts may contain classes that interfere with this functionality, and will require manual adjustments.  
  Auto expand: If checked, the panel will automatically expand when the user's mouse is moved over the panel.  
  Expand direction: Sets the direction in which the panel will expand. Possible options are Vertical or Horizontal.  
  Scroll content: If checked, a scrollbar will be displayed if the content is larger than the panel.  

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