Bing maps

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  Default location or address: Initial location large view map middle point - used when the map is displayed on page load. Used only when 'Latitude' and 'Longtitude' properties are not defined. Not used in for single marker - detail mode. For better performance and more accurate results please use 'Latitude' and 'Longtitude' properties instead. Accepted value is any valid address. Example: 'Microsoft way, Redmond WA 98052'  
  Default latitude: Initial latitude of the large view map middle point - used when the map is displayed on page load. Accepted values range from -90 to 90.  
  Default longitude: Initial longitude of the large view map middle point - used when the map is displayed on page load. Accepted values range from -180 to 180.  

  Map properties  
  Large view scale: Scale value (zoom ratio) for the large view used on page load. Values range from 1 (the most distant view)to 19 (the nearest view).  
  Detailed view scale: Scale value (zoom ratio) for the zoomed view displayed after clicking a defined location marker on the map. Values range from 1 (the most distant view)to 19 (the nearest view).  
  Width: Width of the displayed map in pixels.  
  Height: Height of the displayed map in pixels.  
  Map type: Initial map type used on page load: Auto - The map is set to choose the best imagery for the current view. Road - The road map style. Aerial - The aerial map style. Birdseye - The bird's eye (oblique-angle) imagery map style.  
  Bing map key: Bing map key. Used only if 'EnableServerProcessing' property is enabled.  

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