Chart properties
Selects the report and specific chart that will be displayed.
Can be used to override the width that is configured for the displayed chart in the reporting interface. If the percentage symbol ('%') is added to the value, the chart width will be relative to the maximum possible width, e.g. 100%
Can be used to override the height that is configured for the displayed chart in the reporting interface.
Selects the unit of time which will be used in the Range value property.
Range value:
Sets the length of the time period from which data will be displayed, using the unit of time selected in the Range property. For example, if the range is set to 'Month' and you enter 4 into this property, only data that was logged during the last four months will be displayed in the chart.
Enable export:
If enabled, users will be able to export the data displayed in the chart to other formats (Excel, CSV or XML). The export feature may be accessed through a context menu that can be opened by right clicking the rendered chart. Please note that data export may be disabled for the given chart via its properties in the main Reporting interface.
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Help URL: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/widgets/index.html?AnalyticsChartViewer_properties.htm