Accordion layout

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  Layout settings  
  Number of panes: Sets the number of panes that will be available in the accordion layout.  
  Pane headers: Specifies the names of the pane headers. Each pane name must be defined on a new line. Any additional panes that are not named will use the following format: "Pane <number>"  
  Active pane index: Sets the index of the pane that will be selected by default when the page is loaded. The index of the first pane is 1.  
  Require opened pane: If checked, then at least one pane in the accordion must always be selected (expanded). If disabled and an Active pane index is not specified, the accordion will be completely collapsed by default.  
  Width: Sets the width of the accordion panes. It must be specified as a CSS style value, e.g. 200px or 50%.  

  Pane design  
  Header CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the pane headers.  
  Selected header CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the header of the currently active (expanded) pane.  
  Content CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the content of all panes.  
  Fade transitions: If checked, the content of panes will smoothly fade in or out during a transition. The fade effect is not compatible with the Bing maps web part.  
  Transition duration (ms): Specifies the duration of the accordion's transition in milliseconds (i.e. the time it takes to change which pane is expanded).  

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