Kentico CMS 6.0 E-commerce Guide

Changing header and menu (master page)

Changing header and menu (master page)

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Changing header and menu (master page)

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Changing a logo in the header


1. Go to CMS Desk -> Content -> Ecommerce site.




2. Click Select ... above the logo.




3. In the web page dialog, select Files in the content tree and click the New file button at the top-left.




4. Find the image you want to upload and click Open.




5. Click Select.




6. Now click Save.




You've just publish a new logo on your website.


Removing the log-on bar


1. Go to CMS Desk -> Content -> Ecommerce site and switch to the Design tab.




2. Right-clicked the txtTrialInfo webpart at the top-left and choose Remove.




3. Click OK to remove the bar from your website.




That's how you remove the signing-in bar from your website.


Changing content of the menu


1. Go to CMS Desk -> Content -> Ecommerce site and switch to the Design tab.


2. Click the Add web part button from the drop-down menu in zoneTopContent.




3. In the web page dialog, choose Text -> Static text and click OK.




4. Enter Season discount 10% on all products! as Text and click OK.




5. Now switch to the Live site viewing mode. You can see the new text bellow the main menu.







More information


Should you need more information about customizing your website design, please refer to Kentico CMS Developer's Guide.