This class manages the product status lookup table. Methods work with PublicStatusInfo class objects, replaced by object in method headers. Provider implements following methods:
• | object GetPublicStatusInfo(int publicStatusId) – returns the PublicStatusInfo object with given ID. |
• | object GetPublicStatusInfo(string publicStatusName) – returns the PublicStatusInfo object with given name. |
• | void SetPublicStatusInfo(object publicStatus) – updates/inserts the publis status record with data from given PublisStatusInfo object. If StatusID is set, updates, else inserts a new record. |
• | void DeletePublicStatusInfo(int publicStatusId) – deletes specified public status record. |
• | DataSet GetStatuses(object status) – returns the DataSet of all the public statuses with given status. |
• | object GetPublicStatusInfos(string where, string orderBy) - returns the DataSet of all the public statuses filtered by where condition and ordered by orderBy expression. |
• | bool CheckDependencies(int publicStatusId) – returns true if some objects depend on given status. |
See database reference for the public status column definition or PublicStatusInfo class definition for the PublicStatusInfo object details.
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