This class manages the payment option lookup table. It uses the PaymentOptionInfo class.
• | object GetPaymentOptionInfo(int paymentOptionId) – returns the PaymentOptionInfo object with specified ID. |
• | object GetPaymentOptionInfo(string paymentOptionName, string siteName) – returns PaymentOptionInfo object with specified name on given site. |
• | void SetPaymentOptionInfo(object paymentOption) – updates/inserts the payment option record with data from given PaymentOptionInfo object. If PaymentOptionID is set, updates, else insert a new record. |
• | void DeletePaymentOptionInfo(int paymentOptionId) – deletes the payment option info record. |
• | DataSet GetPaymentOptions() – returns the DataSet of payment options. See database reference for detailed column information. |
• | DataSet GetPaymentOptions(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of payment options with condition and order. |
• | DataSet GetAllPaymentsForSite(int siteId, object status) – returns all payment options for given site with specified status. |
• | bool CheckDependencies(int paymentOptionId) –returns true if some objects depend on given payment option. |
• | string GetPaymentURL(object cartObj) – returns the payment gateway URL to use with given ShoppingCartInfo object. |
• | void AddPaymentToShipping(paymentId, shippingId) - adds payment method to the given shipping option. |
• | DataSet GetShippingPaymentList(int shippingID) - fills dataset with payment methods for specific shippingID; contains all details. |
• | DataSet GetShippingPayments(int shippingOptionId, bool enabled, bool disabled) - fills dataset with payment methods for specific shippingID; contains only payment method details. |
• | void RemovePaymentFromShipping(int paymentId, int shippingId) - removes payment method from the given shipping option. |
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