Username customization

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If you want to customize the way usernames are displayed in the administration interface, you can do it by modifying the GetFormattedUsername method in ~/AppCode/CMS/Functions.cs. The method has four overrides and is used to retrieve usernames in the whole administration interface.


Example: Usernames are displayed in the <full name> (<user name>) (e.g. Abigail Woodwarth (Abi)) format in some parts of the system, e.g. in document Properties -> General -> Owner. The following code example shows how you can modify the method to get usernames in format <user name> [<full name>] (e.g. Abi [Abigail Woodwarth]):




public static string GetFormattedUserName(string username, string fullname, bool isLiveSite)


  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(fullname, "").Trim()))


      return String.Format("{1} [{0}]", fullname, username);




      return username;




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