Culture-dependent workflow scopes

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Workflows can now be defined separately for each language version of your documents by using culture-dependent workflow scopes. A workflow scope defines which documents should a particular workflow be applied to. If you are not familiar with the workflow functionality of Kentico CMS, please refer to the Workflow and versioning chapter of this guide and especially this topic, where the process of defining a workflow is described step-by-step.


When defining a workflow scope, you can now specify the Culture property. Using this property, you can specify that the workflow will be applied only to the specific language versions of the documents.


The three workflow scope properties work as the following:


Starting alias path - the workflow will be applied only to documents stored under the entered alias path
Document type - the workflow will be applied only to documents of the selected document type
Culture - the workflow will be applied only to the selected language versions of documents specified by the two properties above; choose (all) for the workflow to be applied to all cultural versions


Workflow scopes are applied with the following priorities (from highest to lowest):


1. Scope with specified document type and culture

2. Scope with specified document type

3. Scope with specified culture

4. Scope without specified document type and culture




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