The Orders can be managed at Kentico CMS Desk -> Tools -> E- commerce -> Orders of the e-commerce module.
General properties
- Order ID - unique identifier of the order
- Date - date and time when the order was placed
- Invoice number - the assigned invoice number (it can be changed on Invoice tab)
- Status - order processing status
- Customer - customer who made this order
- Company address - address of the company which made the order
- Order note - notes added by customer or by store managers
- Shipping option - chosen shipping option
- Shipping address - chosen shipping address
- Tracking number - tracking number of the order
- Payment method - chosen payment method
- Currency - currency used in the invoice
- Billing address - chosen billing address
- Payment result - payment results as described in the Payment results chapter
Here you can modify the order during its processing. Please note that to be able to additionally modify order item name and order item price CMSUseCurrentSKUData and CMSEnableOrderItemEditing keys in the web.config files have to be set accordingly. Please refer to the Web.config settings chapter for more information.
Here you can re-generate or print the invoice and change the invoice number manually.
Here you can see the history of order processing.
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