URL format and configuration

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Defining the extension of URLs

The URLs can use various extensions. By default, all URLs end with .aspx, such as: http://www.example.com/products/kentico-cms.aspx.

You can also use custom extensions, such as .htm, .html or any custom extension. Alternatively, you can even use URLs without extensions, such as http://www.example.com/products/kentico-cms. However, in this case, you need to configure the system as described in Configuration of custom URL extensions.

Excluding URLs from the CMS engine

If you need to add your own pages to the website, you may need to exclude them from CMS engine processing. You can do that by adding the page URL (without extension) to the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Excluded URLs value (you can enter several URLs separated with a semicolon (;)).

Forbidden URL characters


The URLs (alias paths and URL paths) cannot contain some special characters. By default, these are the forbidden characters:


\ / : * ? " " < > | & % . ' # [ ] and a space.


You can add additional forbidden characters by entering them (without any separator) into the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Forbidden URL Characters value.


The forbidden characters are removed by default. You can specify the character that will replace forbidden characters in the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Forbidden Characters Replacement value.

Using URL Prefix

If you need to add some prefix to all URLs (e.g. for search engine optimization), you can specify it in the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Default Url Path Prefix field.

The URLs will then look like this: http://www.example.com/myprefix/products/kentico-cms.aspx.


Automatic creation of new document aliases

If you check the Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO -> Remember original URLs when moving documents check-box, new document aliases will automatically be created when a new extension or URL path is set.

URL related settings

The above configuration tasks can be performed in Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs and SEO. The following table contains these settings and provides descriptions for them:

Forbidden URL characters

List of additional characters that can't be used in the document alias and in the file system. The following characters are forbidden by default: ' \ /:*? “ <>|&amp;%.'#[]+ =.

Forbidden characters replacement

Character that will be used as a replacement of forbidden characters in the document alias and in the file system.

Friendly URL extension

Specifies the extension of friendly URLs. The extension should be preceded by a dot when entered, such as: .aspx or .html. When you omit this value, the friendly URLs will be the same as the alias path (e.g. ‘/products/nokia’).

Please note: The system of “friendly” or “smart” URLs provides several benefits. They are easy to remember and easy to write into the browser address bar. They are search engine friendly (SEO friendly). They show users where they are located on the website. You can easily send the URL of the document to your friend and she will see the same page with the particular document.

Files friendly URL extension

Specifies the extension for files that will be used in friendly URLs, such as ".aspx" or ".html".


Example: getfile/<node alias>/myimage.aspx


When you ommit this value, the file friendly URLs will end with no extension: getfile/<node alias>/myimage

Excluded URLs

List of URLs (without domain) that should be excluded from the CMS engine. You can enter several paths separated by a semicolon (;).

Default URL path prefix

Defines a default URL path prefix that will be used for all URLs of the content pages. This prefix is rewritten to ‘urlpathprefix’ query string parameter.

Use name path for URL path

If checked, this key indicates that a document's name path will automatically be copied to its URL path.

Use permanent URLs

If enabled, URLs of documents and document attachments will be generated in permanent format; if disabled, friendly URLs will be used. Learn more at Linking pages and files.

Remember original URLs when moving documents

Determines if new document aliases should be created when a new document URL path or extension is set.

Google sitemap URL

URL that will be automatically rewritten to the physical location of the Google Sitemap. The physical location is ~/CMSPages/GoogleSiteMap.aspx. More information can be found at Google Sitemap.

Allow permanent (301) redirection

If enabled, the system uses permanent (301) redirection instead of standard (302) redirection for SEO purposes.

Use URLs with trailing slash

Specifies how URLs with trailing slash should be handled. Possible options: Leave the URL as is, Always use URLs with trailing slash, Always use URLs without trailing slash.

Redirect document aliases to main URL

If enabled, every document always has only one valid URL and other aliases are redirected to this main URL, for SEO purposes.

Redirect invalid case URLs to their correct versions

Checks the URL letter case, and if configured, redirects to their correct version. Options: Do not check the URLs case, Use exactly the URL of the document, Redirect all requests to lower case URLs, Redirect all requests to upper case URLs.


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?url_format_and_configuration.htm