Linking pages and files

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Linking documents (pages)


If you need to create a permanent link to a document, you need to use a URL in the following format:


It's an equivalent of


- however, in the first case, the link keeps working even if you move the document to some other place.


The URL consists of the following parts:


<domain>/getdoc/<document GUID>/<document name><extension>


The <document GUID> value is a unique identifier of the document. You can find this value in CMS Desk -> Content -> Properties -> General, in field Node GUID.


The <document name> value may contain any value - it's not used by the system and it's only used for search engine optimization. By default, the system uses the document name for this value.


Linking a specific language version of the document


If you need to link to a specific language version of the document, you need to use a URL in the following format:


It displays the given document in French (if the document is translated). It's an equivalent of


The URL consists of the following parts:

<domain>/getdoc/<document GUID>/<document name>/<culture code><extension>


Linking attachments


If you need to create a permanent link to a file uploaded as a document attachment, you need to use a URL in the following format:


The URL consists of the following parts:

<domain>/getattachment/<file GUID>/<filename><extension>


The <file GUID> value is not the same as document GUID. It's a GUID of the file in the CMS_Attachment table. You can find this GUID if you display the image in the CMS Desk and see its URL.


The <file name> value can contain any text.


You can find more details on available parameters in the following chapter GetFile.aspx parameters


Page url: