Creating a new form

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In the following chapters, we will create a new form, publish it and read the entered data.


Go to CMS Desk -> Tools -> BizForms and click New BizForm. Enter the following details:


Form display name: Event registration
Form code name: EventRegistration
Table name: Form_EventRegistration


Click OK. On the General tab, in the After the form is submitted section, choose the Display text option and enter the following value:


Display text: Thank you for your registration. We will confirm it shortly by e-mail.


Enter the caption of the submit button:


Submit button text: Register


Click OK.




Now we will define the form fields. Go to the Fields tab. Add the following fields using the Simplified mode:


Column name: FirstName
Show on public form: yes
Field caption: First name
Field type: TextBox
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: no


Column name: LastName
Show on public form: yes
Field caption: Last name
Field type: TextBox
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: no


Column name: Phone
Show on public form: yes
Field caption: Phone
Field type: U.S. phone number
Maximum length: 14
Allow empty value: yes


Column name: Email
Show on public form: yes
Field caption: E-mail
Field type: E-mail
Maximum length: 100
Allow empty value: no


Column name: Presentations
Show on public form: yes
Field caption: Presentations you want to visit
Field type: Multiple choice
WPF;Windows Presentation Foundation
Allow empty value: yes


Column name: RegistrationProcessed
Show on public form: no
Field caption: Registration processed
Field type: Check box
Allow empty value: yes


The last item will be used only by site owners to mark the processed registration forms.


Please note: if you switch to the Advanced mode, you can set up additional options, such as validation rules or design.






Form text localization


If you need to display the form on a multi-lingual website, you can localize the field captions and other text strings using expressions like this:



You can find more details in chapter Localization Expressions.


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