Notification and autoresponder e-mails

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The BizForms module allows you to send two types of e-mails when a new record is added:


Notification e-mail to the site administrator
Autoresponder - a notification e-mail to the person who submitted the new record into the form


When a record is added via the administration interface,


Notification e-mails


You can configure the notification e-mails on the Notification e-mail tab in the form properties.


Check the box Send form data to e-mail and enter the following values:


From e-mail: {%Email%} (this ensures that the e-mail is sent from the person who entered the data and you can easily reply the e-mail)
To e-mail: (use your e-mail here)
Subject: Event registration by {%FirstName%} {%LastName%}
Attach uploaded documents: Yes
Use custom layout: Yes


Click Generate table layout and then click Save.


When you submit the form now, you will receive a notification with entered data.




You can configure the automatic reply on the Autoresponder tab in the form properties. First, you need to choose the field that contains the e-mail address where the automatic response should be sent (typically the E-mail field where the visitor enters their e-mail).


Then, you need to enter the sender e-mail and subject and define the body of the e-mail by inserting text and special macros into the text. For example:


Thank you for your registration. Your registration number is $$value:EventRegistrationID$$ and we will use e-mail address $$value:Email$$ for further communication.


The macro $$value:<fieldname>$$ inserts value of the given field into the text.


You can also add attachments that are sent with the message, such as event agenda, white papers, etc.




Inserting dynamic values into e-mail messages


You can make the values of the following fields dynamic:


From e-mail
To e-mail
Display text
Redirect to URL


You only need to use a special expressions in format {%column_name%} into the field value, where the column_name is the value of the Column name property of the particular BizForm filed. When the form is submitted, the expression is automatically resolved and replaced by current form data.




If you enter the Display text value like this:


Dear {%FirstName%}, thank you for your message. We will contact you shortly.


It will be displayed like the following when "Jane" was entered in the First name field by the user:


Dear Jane, thank you for your message. We will contact you shortly.


This is also useful if you need to customize the sender address of notification e-mails to site administrators. When the site administrator replies to such e-mail, the reply will be sent to the person who submitted the form instead of sending it to some system e-mail address. All you need to do is to set the From e-mail value to e.g. {%Email%}.




You can also use Context and Custom macros in the From e-mail, To e-mail and Subject fields. Please see Appendix A - Macro expressions for more details on macros in Kentico CMS.



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