Displaying related documents

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If you specify the related documents in the Relationships dialog of the Content module, you can display them using one of the following controls:



All of them have three properties that need to be used in order to display only related documents (besides other properties, such as SelectNodesPath, SelectNodesClassName, etc.):

RelationshipWithNodeGUID / Main document - NodeGUID value of the main document - it's typically the currently displayed document.
RelationshipName / Relationship name - code name of the relationship.
RelatedNodeIsOnTheLeftSide / Main document is on the left side - indicates if the main document is on the left or right side of the relationship.




The following example shows how to display news items related to the product.


1.Go to CMS Desk -> Content and click /Products/LCD Displays/Acer AL1511s, click Properties -> Related docs.
2.Add two relationships with name is related to with documents /News/Your first news and /News/Your second news.
3.Edit the Products.aspx template and add a CMSRepeater control.
4.Set the following control properties:
- Path: /% (we want to display related news items from the whole website)
- ClassNames: cms.news
- TransformationName: cms.news.preview
- RelationshipName: choose Display documents related to the current document, check the box Main document is on the left side and choose relationship name is related to.
Save the changes.


5.Click /Products/LCD Displays/Acer AL1511s and click Live site. You will see the list of related news items below the product displayed using the cms.news.preview transformation:


Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/controls/index.html?displaying_related_documents.htm