Synchronizing the content

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All changes made to the documents and objects are tracked in the database, in the synchronization log. You can view the changes in CMS Desk –> Tools –> Content Staging.


The interface for viewing changes and performing synchronization is divided into the following tabs:


All tasks tab


On the All tasks tab, you can see a list of all content staging tasks, i.e. all changes made to the system that can be synchronized on the target server.


Using the Server drop-down, you can choose the target server that you want to synchronize. By choosing (all), you perform synchronization for all available target servers. Then you can perform one of the following actions using the buttons at the bottom:


Synchronize selected - performs synchronization for all tasks selected by the check-boxes (Enabled) on the target server;
Synchronize all - performs synchronization for all listed tasks on the target server; in case you made any changes to content on the target server in the meantime, these changes will be overwritten


Delete selected - deletes all tasks selected by the check-boxes (Enabled) on the target server
Delete all - deletes all listed tasks on the target server


You can also perform the following actions separately with particular staging tasks:


View View - opens a new window with detailed information about the staging task
Synchronize Synchronize - performs the synchronization task on the target server
Delete Delete - deletes the synchronization task from the list




Documents tab


In the screenshot below, you can see the Documents tab. By clicking the website root in the content tree on the left, you can view a list of all changes (synchronization tasks) made to all the documents of your website. By clicking a particular document, you can view only the changes made to it.


You can perform the same actions as on the All tasks tab, as described above.


You can also perform the following manual actions. These actions are manual because they are not related to the listed tasks and they can be performed even if there are no synchronization tasks logged:


Synchronize Run complete synchronization - performs complete synchronization of all documents in the content tree
Synchronize Synchronize current document - synchronizes the currently selected document
SynchronizeSubTree Synchronize current sub-tree - synchronizes all documents in the selected sub-tree


The following types of tasks are logged for documents. You can see the type in the Task type column:


CREATEDOC - document was created
UPDATEDOC - document was modified
DELETEDOC - document was deleted
DELETEALLCULTURES - all cultural versions of the document were deleted
PUBLISHDOC - document was published
ARCHIVEDOC - document was archived
REJECTDOC - document was rejected
MOVEDOC - document was moved to another location in the content tree




Data tab


In the screenshot below, you can see the Data tab. This is where changes made to data in custom tables are logged.


You can perform the same actions as on the All tasks tab, as described above.


You can also perform the following manual actions. These actions are manual because they are not related to the listed tasks and they can be performed even if there are no synchronization tasks logged:


Synchronize Run complete synchronization - performs complete synchronization of all data in all custom tables
SynchronizeSubTree Synchronize current sub-tree - synchronizes all data in the selected custom table


The following types of tasks are logged for custom tables data. You can see the type in the Task type column:


CREATEOBJ - new item was added to a table
UPDATEOBJ - an item in a table was updated
DELETEOBJ - an item in a table was deleted


Please note: Staging tasks for custom table items are logged based on their ItemGUID column. Items which do not have this column (typically in custom tables imported from older versions of Kentico CMS), changes made to them are not logged. However, you can edit the custom table in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Custom tables. You will see a warning message with a link letting you to generate the GUIDs for the table.




Objects tab


In the following screenshot, you can see the Objects tab. This is where changes made to objects are logged.


The main categories are Web site and Global objects. The first category contains object changes connected to the current website, whilst the  second one contains object changes for global objects.


You can perform the same actions as on the All tasks tab, as described above.


When you select a particular object category, you get also the following manual action offered. This action is manual because it is not related to the listed tasks and can be performed even if there are no synchronization tasks logged:


SynchronizeSubTree Synchronize current sub-tree - synchronizes all objects in the selected category


The following types of tasks are logged for objects. You can see the type in the Task type column:


CREATEOBJ - new object was created
UPDATEOBJ - object was modified
DELETEOBJ - object was deleted
ADDTOSITE - object was assigned to a site; applicable only to site-related objects
REMOVEFROMSITE - object was removed from a site; applicable only to site-related objects


The following types of tasks are logged for folders in media libraries:


CREATEFOLDER - folder was created
RENAMEFOLDER - folder was renamed
COPYFOLDER - folder was copied
MOVEFOLDER - folder was moved
DELETEFOLDER - folder was deleted




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