Services page

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Now we will create a new site section for services. This site section will contain a left tree menu and a single editable region.


Click the root of the content tree and click New. Choose to create a new Page (menu item). Enter page name Services and choose to create a blank page using the Two columns - 20/80 layout. Leave the box "Copy this layout to my page template" checked.



Click Save and use the Down button to move the page at the last position. Click Design and add the Navigation/Tree menu web part into the zoneLeft zone. Set the following menu properties:

Content -> Path: /{0}/% (this means that the menu starts from the second level)
Design -> Item image URL: ~/app_themes/mysite/images/bullet.gif
Design -> Open item image URL: ~/app_themes/mysite/images/bullet.gif

(the ~ character represents the root of the web site and it ensures that the image will be displayed correctly whether you run the web sites in the root or in a virtual directory)


Click OK.


Add the Text/Editable text web part into the zoneRight zone and set the following values:


Editable region title: Header
Editable region type: Text box
Editable region width: 600
Content before: <h1>
Content after: </h1>

Click OK. Add another web part of type Text/Editable text below the first one and set the following web part properties:

Editable region title: Main text
Editable region type: HTML editor
Editable region height: 300

Click OK. The design mode of the page now looks like this:



Entering text


Click the Page tab and enter some text into editable regions. Click Save.




Creating a re-usable template


Now we will save this page as a re-usable template so that we can use it for sub-pages. Go to Properties -> Template and click Save as new page template. Enter the following values:


Template display name: Services page template
Template code name: ServicesPageTemplate
Template category: General.


Click OK and click Save on the Template dialog.


Adding sub-pages


Click New in the main toolbar and choose to create a new Page (menu item) under the /Services page. Call the page Service 1 and choose the General/Services page template template. Click Save. Enter the following text:

Header: Web hosting
Main text: We provide professional web hosting.

Click Save.


Click Live site. You will see a page like this:




In this chapter, you have learned how to create a new page template with editable regions from scratch and how to re-use it for multiple pages.